Online Identity Verification for Fast, Secure User Onboarding

When opening an account, customers want a fast, secure onboarding process.

Identity verification plays a critical role in ensuring the person opening an account is indeed who they say they are — not a criminal using stolen identity data. The right online identity solution — using informed AI — will let you create an onboarding process that is loved by users and loathed by fraudsters.

Explore Identity Verification

image of woman holding a phone.

How Jumio Helps


Tailored to Your Business

With our fully enabled SDK, mobile web and API options, Jumio can fit right into your onboarding process to convert good customers with a smooth and secure experience.

Sleek User Interface

Jumio’s award-winning UX reduces abandonment by providing an engaging, responsive experience on desktop, mobile and web and gives users the ability to course-correct if the pictures taken of their ID or selfie are blurred, have too much glare, or dimly lit.

Fast, Accurate Verification

Jumio’s AI-powered identity verification technology delivers accurate results in near real-time, with a definitive yes or no answer that reduces your reliance on manual reviews.

Embedded Course Correction

When a verification fails, Jumio can provide additional information about why an ID or selfie was rejected so users can try again. This simple, but effective tactics can actually boost conversion rates by 15% by giving your users "another bite at the apple."

See Jumio Identity Verification in Action

"Jumio opened a totally new stream for customer acquisitions. A process that used to take up to five days now takes only five minutes and is easy for customers to complete whenever and wherever they want.”

Waleed AlJasmi, Head of Digital Channels, Ahli United Bank

Get Started

Let a Jumio expert show you how easy it can be to integrate our automated solutions into your existing processes.
image of man with facial hair smiling wearing a suit.