Replace KBA with Biometric Authentication

How Jumio Helps


More Robust Security

Jumio provides a more secure alternative to KBA by requiring the user to prove their identity with a valid government-issued ID that is compared and corroborated with a selfie in real-time.

No More Forgotten Answers

As many as 20% of users forget the answers to KBA questions. This adds frustration, friction and delay. Stop relying on your user’s memory and start relying on the one device always within reach — their smartphone — to establish and prove their online identity.


As more security experts take an increasingly dim view of KBA, compliance mandates will presumably follow suit. Get ahead of the curve and meet KYC, AML and other emerging requirements with biometric-based authentication from Jumio.

A Faster Process

Strike the right balance between security and usability. For e-commerce, it is vital to have a smooth process to reduce abandonment and to complete more sales. For banking, too many security challenges may add to brand trust. Biometric authentication is easy to use and delivers a significantly higher level of identity assurance.

See Jumio Authentication in Action

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Let a Jumio expert show you how easy it can be to integrate our automated solutions into your existing processes.
image of man with facial hair smiling wearing a suit.