Advanced Fraud Detection from Jumio

Verifying your customer’s real-world identity against their digital one is critical to keeping fraudsters out.

As cybercriminals become more savvy and use rapidly evolving generative AI tools, mitigating fraud risk is essential to your bottom line. Jumio offers identity verification and authentication solutions through informed AI for organizations who want to strike the right balance between strong fraud detection and a positive user experience.

Explore Identity Verification

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How Jumio Helps


Stop Account Takeover and Online Fraud

When password credentials can be easily guessed or purchased on the black market, cybercriminals can access a user’s account and penetrate other online accounts to maximize their return. Jumio can help secure these accounts with more robust, biometric-based authentication.

Multi-layered Verification

Start with ID Verification, where the user scans their government-issued ID to ensure it has not been manipulated. Add Selfie Verification with liveness detection to ensure the person behind a transaction is physically present. And rely on advanced face-based biometrics to deter fraudsters and protect existing accounts against spoofing.

Prevent Deepfakes

Sophisticated liveness detection catches video injection attacks and presentation attacks.

Spot Anomalies

Jumio's informed AI algorithms protect you against manipulated and synthetic ID documents by quickly spotting anomalies that indicate fraud.

See the Jumio Platform in Action

"We had three main requirements from Jumio. Keep the fraudsters out, let the legitimate players in, and keep us compliant in all of our territories. All of these requirements have been met and we are pleased to be able to offer a secure onboarding experience which is significantly swifter than we offered previously."

Russell Medley, Director of Fraud & Risk Management at
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Get Started

Let a Jumio expert show you how easy it can be to integrate our automated solutions into your existing processes.
image of man with facial hair smiling wearing a suit.