Partner Program

Expand your product offerings with the world's leading solutions for identity verification, eKYC and AML compliance.

What's in it for you?

With identity theft and account takeover on the rise, it’s increasingly difficult for businesses to trust that someone is who they claim to be online. Jumio’s identity verification and authentication solutions leverage the power of biometrics, informed AI and the latest technologies to quickly verify the digital identities of new customers and existing users. And after onboarding, Jumio’s anti-money laundering (AML) solutions ensure companies can continue to trust their users and keep criminals off their platforms.
Watch a Quick Overview of the Partner Program
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Explosive Growth

Take advantage of the exponential growth in the global online identity verification and AML markets.
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Industry Leading Technologies

Benefit from selling the most advanced identity and AML solutions on the market, combining machine learning, informed AI, biometrics and human review.
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Genuine Leads

Benefit from targeted leads delivered through innovative and customized co-marketing campaigns.
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Sales and Marketing

Sell and market smarter with Jumio's re-brandable content, collateral, sales presentations and battlecards.
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High Margins

Enjoy strong margins while teaming with the industry leader.
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Deal Protection

Protect your deals with online deal registration and leverage the power of Jumio’s sales team.
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Sales Support

Get answers on products, solutions, services, design, configuration and demos to help you make the sale.
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Technical Support

Get technical support and training when you need it. We’ll equip you with training, an online knowledge base and UX best practices.

"As the world becomes more digitized, digital signing continues to grow and Jumio’s innovative identity verification technology enables us to provide our customers with a strong, trusted proposition that fits smoothly alongside our existing TrustCloud solution."

Maria J. Hernández,
image of woman with her hair up and wearing earrings sitting at a desk looking at a computer.

Expanding Your Footprint

We’re partnering with industry leaders around the world to deliver AI-powered identity verification, eKYC and AML solutions. Our partners leverage Jumio technology to quickly, accurately and compliantly verify and monitor their online customers with the highest levels of assurance. Our award-winning technology is being used across a broad range of partner types.

Integrators differentiate by adding Jumio identity proofing capabilities. They embed Jumio into their own product or SaaS offerings and earn revenue from their services and Jumio licenses.
Business Partner
Resellers improve margin potential through discounts from Jumio products. They can sell and deliver business solutions that include Jumio solutions directly to their customers and receive revenue from their services and Jumio licenses.
Technology Partner
Technology partners offer synergistic solutions and hold positions in Jumio’s key strategic markets. Both parties find strength in working together while maintaining their individual focus. Together, we can co-market our combined identity and AML offerings to target accounts.
Alliance Partner
Alliance partners receive referral fees for deals closed with leads they provide and pre-qualify. The end customer buys from Jumio and the partner is eligible for MDF and marketing support.