Identity Verification FAQs

Why was I asked to provide an ID?

Businesses and other institutions may require you to show an identification document (ID) and possibly a selfie to ensure you are who you say you are. This process is called identity verification and helps make the internet a safer place for everyone.

How does this process work?

You will be asked to scan a valid ID (passport, driver’s license, or other government-issued identification document) using your webcam or mobile device’s camera. Please note that you must scan the original, physical ID and not a photocopy or other facsimile. In some cases, you will also be asked to take a selfie to ensure you are physically present and are the same person who is shown on your ID.

Who is behind the verification?

The company providing this verification process is called Jumio. Jumio specializes in preventing fraudsters from opening accounts in your name and taking over your existing accounts.

Do I have to activate the camera?

Yes, please click ‘Allow’. Your camera will be turned off automatically upon completion of the verification process.

I’m using a computer and don’t have a webcam. What should I do?

If you do not have a working webcam connected, you may be able to continue the process from your mobile device and use its camera instead. (This feature is available only if the company you’re interacting with has enabled that option in their ID verification process.)

Which IDs are supported?

Please provide your passport, driver’s license or a government-issued ID.

What happens to my ID data?

After processing your ID scan, only the company requesting the verification will receive your ID information. Jumio is committed to keeping your data secure throughout the process. For more information, please see Jumio and You in our privacy center.

The scan isn’t working. What should I do?

The scan should work successfully if you can clearly read the information within the frame (scan area) on the screen. Check the following and then try again:

  • The lighting is bright enough to read the ID. Make sure it is not heavily backlit and there is no glare reflecting off the ID.
  • You are holding the ID and/or the camera steady to avoid motion blur.
  • You are not covering any part of the ID with your thumb or other objects.
  • The ID and its text are fully visible within the frame, the edges of the document are clear, and the ID is not tilted at an angle away from the camera.
  • There is only one ID visible in the frame.

If you are having trouble taking the selfie, also check the following:

  • You are facing the camera and your head is not tilted or rotated
  • There is only your face and no other people visible in the frame
  • Your eyes are open and your mouth is in a closed, neutral expression

Can I upload an image of my document?

In some cases, a business might allow you to upload a photo of your ID rather than scanning it with your camera. However, in order to verify all the security features, we need a full color photo of your document — black and white photos are not acceptable.